3 min readJan 2, 2021

4 Easy Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams

Imagine creating your world! What would it look like in color? What would it smell like? Sound like? Feel like? These are very important questions as you become crystal clear on the life that you wish to create. Many times, we fall short of our dreams. Maybe we try to manifest, but it always seems to go sideways on us. I’m sure we have all been in that situation before. You have a plan, execute the plan, and then discover a flaw within that causes all sorts of havoc. Well, here is a way to manifest your dreams, from small to large- the recipe is the same.

First, we start with a thought, also known as an intention. A little bubble of inspiration. Your imagination and desires are your best friend in the beginning. The clearer you can see, taste, feel and smell the thought, the easier it will be to physically manifest it. I find that the thought process is the easiest part of the whole manifestation process. I have at least 200 thoughts per day of great ideas that will never be known to anyone else. They all get nixed for some fatal flaw that I have designed as a defense, or they simply pass away on their own. Perhaps I have a fear of success, a fear of failure or both. On occasion though, one brilliant idea will slip through, and sneak into the second step.

Lights, Camera…ACTION! Once a thought has made it through the forest of the abyss in my mind, it is time for physical action. This is the PUSH that makes the idea into a physical reality. This part can be very easy or difficult. Some acts just have a flow to them- easy and effortless. Other acts have constant hiccups and snarls that are just unforeseen death blows. There is one factor here that is not easily controlled, and this factor is often the difference between the life or death of a manifestation. I’ll explain more about this a bit later. It does take quite a bit of physical energy and willpower to create something, anything if you think about it. Look around you. Everything that was crafted was once a thought, from the chair that you sit in to the car that you drive. Just an energetic imprint in the brain. Ideas start out like this, and can only be born into this world with action.

Emotion! The spice of life. Such a pesky little thing that can make or break your manifestation. I have seen time and time again, someone plan and push with all of their might only to be disappointed when their project crashed in a sideways motion. Our emotions are crafty. They are many times hidden from view, especially for the person experiencing the emotion. These little devils hide in the shadows, and slither out in self destructive behavior without rhyme or reason. The emotion BECOMES your motivation. If the emotion is one of want (I have to do this, because without it I will fail), then you will fail every time. The emotion has to be of trust (I trust that as I do this it will manifest properly) or at least a different positive emotion. I know that might sound a bit hokey, but I have found that this is a critical step in the process, and one that should not be skipped over or ignored.

Back to the paragraph about Action. That little factor that cannot be controlled it Timing. Timing is up to the Universe. Sometimes, you can do everything correctly, and it still doesn’t work. The Universe never says “no”. It says “not yet”. In these cases of timing issues, just stay the course, and slow the process just a bit. You may have to wait and learn patience in the process. The Universe will take these opportunities to teach life lessons along the way. All you can do is listen to the whispers, and honor the process. Enjoy Manifesting!!

Remember: Thought x Action x Emotion x Timing = Manifestation!




Written by BeliEVE

Heather Eve Bristol is a Certified International Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Master Energy Healer, Master Sound Healer & 200 H RYT Yoga Teacher

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